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E-Auction 621-608207
MEXICO 1 Peso Jose Morelos y Pavon / aigle 1982 Mexico
Estimate: 6€no bidAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608208
TUNISIA 5 Dinars Habib Bourguiba 20e anniversaire de l’indépendance 1976
Estimate: 30€1 bidderAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608209
PORTUGAL 5 Escudos emblème 1977 Lisbonne
Estimate: 6€no bidAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608210
Estimate: 3 500€3 biddersMS244 €

E-Auction 621-608211
Estimate: 3 500€3 biddersMS2 000 €

E-Auction 621-608212
Estimate: 3 500€2 biddersMS2 000 €

E-Auction 621-608213
SILVER INVESTMENT 1 Oz - 1 Dollar Année du Serpent 2025
Estimate: 45€4 biddersMS38 €

E-Auction 621-608214
SILVER INVESTMENT 1 Oz - 100 ByteCoins Intelligence Artificelle 2024
Estimate: 45€2 biddersMS11 €

E-Auction 621-608215
GOLD, PALLADIUM & PLATINUM INVESTMENT 1 Oz - 50 Rand Éléphant 2024 Prétoria
Estimate: 3 000€4 biddersMS2 000 €

E-Auction 621-608216
GOLD, PALLADIUM & PLATINUM INVESTMENT 1 Oz - 100 Dollars Serpent 2025 Perth
Estimate: 3 000€4 biddersMS2 000 €

E-Auction 621-608217
GOLD, PALLADIUM & PLATINUM INVESTMENT 1 Oz - 50 Dollars or "mapple leaf" 2025
Estimate: 3 000€3 biddersMS2 550 €

E-Auction 621-608218
SPAIN 4 Maravedis Philippe V 1719 Ségovie
Estimate: 25€3 biddersVF13 €

E-Auction 621-608219
SPAIN - BASQUE COUNTRY 2 Pesetas Gouvernement d’Euskadi 1937 Bruxelles
Estimate: 20€1 bidderXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608220
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1 Dollar Morgan 1921 Denver
Estimate: 50€2 biddersVF31 €

E-Auction 621-608221
PERU 1 Sol “Liberté” assise 1869
Estimate: 50€3 biddersXF49 €

E-Auction 621-608222
RUSSIA 2 Kopecks aigle bicéphale 1903 Saint-Petersbourg
Estimate: 7€no bidVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608223
UNITED KINGDOM 1 Penny Victoria “Bun Head” 1867 Londres
Estimate: 5€no bidVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608224
SWITZERLAND - CANTON OF NEUCHATEL 1 Batzen (4 Kreuzer) Frédéric-Guillaume III de Prusse 1800
Estimate: 20€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608225
ITALY - VENICE 1 Lire (20 Soldi) frappe au nom de François II 1802 Venise
Estimate: 20€no bidVG1 €

E-Auction 621-608226
VENEZUELA 1 Bolivar Simon Bolivar 1935 Philadelphie
Estimate: 5€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608227
BRAZIL 2000 Reis “Liberté” 1929
Estimate: 25€no bidAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608228
VENEZUELA 2 Bolivares Simon Bolivar 1905 Philadelphie
Estimate: 10€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608229
BRAZIL 500 Reis 1924
Estimate: 5€no bidAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608230
VENEZUELA 1/4 Bolivar 1935 Philadelphie
Estimate: 6€1 bidderXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608231
NETHERLANDS 2 1/2 Gulden Wilhelmina 1930
Estimate: 30€no bidAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608232
GERMANY - PRUSSIA 3 Mark Guillaume II 1912 Berlin
Estimate: 25€1 bidderAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608233
UNITED KINGDOM 1/2 Crown Georges V 1913 Londres
Estimate: 40€1 bidderAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608234
BELGIUM 100 Francs bustes des quatre rois de Belgique, légende flamande 1948
Estimate: 16€1 bidderXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608235
UNITED KINGDOM 1 Florin Victoria couronnée style gothique 1886 Londres
Estimate: 20€2 biddersVF6 €

E-Auction 621-608236
BELGIUM - AUSTRIAN NETHERLANDS 1/2 (Demi-) Ducaton Marie-Thérèse 1754 Anvers
Estimate: 90€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608237
SPAIN 2 Pesetas Alphonse XII 1879
Estimate: 15€no bidVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608238
NETHERLANDS 1 Gulden Wilhelmina 1923
Estimate: 20€1 bidderXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608239
UNITED KINGDOM 1 Florin Edouard VII 1906 Londres
Estimate: 20€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608240
BELGIUM 2 Frank (Francs) Albert Ier légende flamande 1911
Estimate: 10€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608241
GERMANY 5 Reichsmark église de la garnison de Potsdam 1935 Berlin
Estimate: 25€1 bidderXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608242
BELGIUM 50 Francs légende flamande 1950
Estimate: 12€no bidXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608243
UNITED KINGDOM 1 Florin Victoria “Old Head” 1893 Londres
Estimate: 15€2 biddersVF2 €

E-Auction 621-608244
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1/2 Dollar Walking Liberty 1944 Denver
Estimate: 25€4 biddersXF6 €

E-Auction 621-608245
UNITED KINGDOM 1 Shilling Victoria vieille tête 1900 Londres
Estimate: 15€2 biddersVF6 €

E-Auction 621-608246
BELGIUM 1 Frank (Franc) Léopold II légende en flamand 1904
Estimate: 12€no bidVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608247
UNITED KINGDOM 1 Florin Georges V 1912 Londres
Estimate: 35€1 bidderXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608248
LUXEMBOURG 5 Francs Grande-Duchesse Charlotte 1929
Estimate: 10€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608249
SPAIN 1 Peseta Alphonse XIII 3e type de buste 1899 Madrid
Estimate: 12€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608250
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1/4 Dollar Liberté 1925 Philadelphie
Estimate: 15€1 bidderVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608251
CANADA 5 Cents Georges V 1916
Estimate: 15€no bidVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608252
UNITED KINGDOM 3 Pence Georges V 1911 Londres
Estimate: 10€no bidXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608253
RUSSIA 15 Kopecks aigle bicéphale 1903 Saint-Petersbourg
Estimate: 12€no bidVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608254
UNITED KINGDOM 3 Pence Victoria buste au voile
1900 Londres
Estimate: 15€3 biddersXF5 €

E-Auction 621-608255
Estimate: 3 500€3 biddersMS2 000 €

E-Auction 621-608256
GOLD, PALLADIUM & PLATINUM INVESTMENT 8 Florins ou 20 Francs or François-Joseph Ier 1878 Vienne
Estimate: 580€4 biddersAU540 €

E-Auction 621-608257
GOLD, PALLADIUM & PLATINUM INVESTMENT 20 Francs or ou 8 Forint, 1e type François-Joseph Ier 1878 Kremnitz
Estimate: 580€3 biddersXF261 €

E-Auction 621-608258
GOLD, PALLADIUM & PLATINUM INVESTMENT 20 Francs or ou 8 Forint François-Joseph Ier 1888 Kremnitz
Estimate: 580€2 biddersXF52 €

E-Auction 621-608259
GOLD, PALLADIUM & PLATINUM INVESTMENT 1 Souverain Georges V 1912 Londres
Estimate: 700€2 biddersAU3 €

E-Auction 621-608260
GOLD, PALLADIUM & PLATINUM INVESTMENT 1 Souverain Georges V 1913 Londres
Estimate: 700€2 biddersAU651 €

E-Auction 621-608261
ITALY 100 Lire 1957 Rome
Estimate: 5€no bidAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608262
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1 Dollar Susan B. Anthony 1979 Philadelphie
Estimate: 5€1 bidderAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608263
BELGIUM 10 Francs roi Baudouin légende française 1973 Bruxelles
Estimate: 6€no bidAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608264
UNITED KINGDOM 3 Pence Georges VI 1940 Londres
Estimate: 5€no bidXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608265
GERMANY 10 Pfennig “Bank deutscher Länder” 1949 Stuttgart - F
Estimate: 10€no bidXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608266
GERMANY 2 Reichsmark 1925 Berlin
Estimate: 20€no bidXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608267
ITALY Série de 7 Monnaies (monnaies de circulation) 1990 Rome - R
Estimate: 25€no bidMS1 €

E-Auction 621-608268
GUERNSEY Série 6 monnaies 1970-1977 Royal Mint
Estimate: 25€no bidMS1 €

E-Auction 621-608269
BURKINA FASO 50 Francs CFA 105e anniversaire du naufrage du RMS Titanic 2017 Kabelsketal
Estimate: 16€no bidMS1 €

E-Auction 621-608270
BURKINA FASO 50 Francs CFA Tigre 2017 Kabelsketal
Estimate: 16€no bidMS1 €

E-Auction 621-608271
THAILAND 20 Baht 100e anniversaire de la santé en Thaïlande (2018)
Estimate: 16€no bidMS1 €

E-Auction 621-608272
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1/4 Dollar Barber 1892 Philadelphie
Estimate: 30€2 biddersVF3 €

E-Auction 621-608273
PORTUGAL 5 Escudos 500e anniversaire de la mort de l’infant Don Henrique le navigateur 1960
Estimate: 20€no bidAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608274
PORTUGAL 5 Escudos 1951
Estimate: 10€no bidVF1 €

E-Auction 621-608275
PORTUGAL 5 Escudos 1964
Estimate: 4€no bidXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608276
SWITZERLAND 5 Francs Berger des Alpes 1932 Berne
Estimate: 15€1 bidderXF1 €

E-Auction 621-608277
SWITZERLAND 2 Francs Helvetia 1946 Berne
Estimate: 16€1 bidderAU1 €

E-Auction 621-608278
SWITZERLAND 1 Franc Helvetia 1945 Berne
Estimate: 10€1 bidderAU1 €