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Live Auction4320001
10 Livres Tournois typographié FRANCE 1720 Dor.21
Estimate: 180€5 biddersVF+600 €

Live Auction4320002
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Chomerac 1792 Kc.07.054
Estimate: 40€no bidG20 €

Live Auction4320003
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Rochemaure 1792 Kc.07.101
Estimate: 110€no bidF70 €

Live Auction4320004
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Viviers 1792 Kc.07.200
Estimate: 60€no bidVF+40 €

Live Auction4320005
10 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Viviers 1792 Kc.07.201
Estimate: 60€no bidVF40 €

Live Auction4320006
5 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Avignon 1791 Kc.13.023
Estimate: 60€2 biddersF31 €

Live Auction4320007
20 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Marseille 1792 Kc.13.087
Estimate: 90€1 bidderVF60 €

Live Auction4320008
2 livres FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Marseille 1792 Kc.13.089
Estimate: 50€1 bidderVF30 €

Live Auction4320009
3 Livres Faux FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Marseille 1792 Kc.13.090
Estimate: 50€1 bidderF+30 €

Live Auction4320010
3 Livres FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Marseille 1792 Kc.13.090
Estimate: 50€no bidVF30 €

Live Auction4320011
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Orange 1792 Kc.13.103a
Estimate: 50€no bidF30 €

Live Auction4320012
5 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Sorgues 1792 Kc.13.125a
Estimate: 50€no bidF30 €

Live Auction4320013
10 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Sorgues 1792 Kc.13.126
Estimate: 40€no bidG20 €

Live Auction4320014
10 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Sorgues 1792 Kc.13.128a
Estimate: 70€1 bidderVF40 €

Live Auction4320015
20 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Sorgues 1792 Kc.13.129(var)
Estimate: 50€no bidF30 €

Live Auction4320016
10 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Le Thor 1792 Kc.13.163a
Estimate: 90€no bidVF+60 €

Live Auction4320017
2 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous La Flotte 1792 Kc.17.011
Estimate: 70€3 biddersF180 €

Live Auction4320018
30 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Monteux 1792 Kc.26.109
Estimate: 60€1 bidderXF40 €

Live Auction4320019
20 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Louviers 1792 Kc.27.043
Estimate: 70€2 biddersF+41 €

Live Auction4320020
1 Sol FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Nimes 1791 Kc.30.065
Estimate: 40€2 biddersF21 €

Live Auction4320021
1 Sol FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Nimes 1791 Kc.30.065
Estimate: 60€2 biddersVF31 €

Live Auction4320022
10 Sous Faux FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Saint Hipolite 1792 Kc.30.134
Estimate: 40€1 bidderF20 €

Live Auction4320023
15 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Uzes 1792 Kc.30.154(var)
Estimate: 80€no bidF50 €

Live Auction4320024
10 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Uzes 1792 Kc.30.158a
Estimate: 70€no bidF40 €

Live Auction4320025
3 Livres FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Uzes 1792 Kc.30.162b
Estimate: 90€1 bidderVF60 €

Live Auction4320026
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Castelsarrasin 1792 Kc.31.028
Estimate: 60€1 bidderF40 €

Live Auction4320027
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Grenoble 1792 Kc.38.023d
Estimate: 90€1 bidderXF60 €

Live Auction4320028
8 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Grenoble 1792 Kc.38.024
Estimate: 70€1 bidderXF-50 €

Live Auction4320029
10 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Grenoble 1792 Kc.38.025
Estimate: 60€1 bidderVF40 €

Live Auction4320030
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Montauban 1792 Kc.46.096s
Estimate: 110€1 bidderVF80 €

Live Auction4320031
20 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Laval 1791 Kc.53.007a
Estimate: 60€2 biddersF42 €

Live Auction4320032
2 Livres FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Laval 1791 Kc.53.008
Estimate: 60€2 biddersF83 €

Live Auction4320033
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Vic 1792 Kc.54.054d
Estimate: 40€no bidG20 €

Live Auction4320034
10 Sous Non émis FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Nancy 1792 Kc.54.054d
Estimate: 90€1 bidderXF60 €

Live Auction4320035
10 Sols Annulé FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Clamecy 1792 Kc.58.019
Estimate: 90€no bidF60 €

Live Auction4320036
10 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Cambrai 1792 Kc.59.020
Estimate: 110€no bidXF70 €

Live Auction4320037
15 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Cambrai 1792 Kc.59.021
Estimate: 70€1 bidderF+40 €

Live Auction4320038
15 Sols Faux FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Cambrai 1792 Kc.59.021
Estimate: 60€no bidF+30 €

Live Auction4320039
3 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Cornon 1792 Kc.63.070
Estimate: 30€no bidF20 €

Live Auction4320040
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Cornon 1792 Kc.63.071
Estimate: 60€2 biddersVF46 €

Live Auction4320041
5 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Cornon 1792 Kc.63.071b
Estimate: 30€no bidG15 €

Live Auction4320042
10 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Cornon 1792 Kc.63.072a
Estimate: 50€no bidF25 €

Live Auction4320043
10 Sous FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Pionsat 1792 Kc.63.110
Estimate: 40€1 bidderG20 €

Live Auction4320044
5 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Autun 1792 Kc.71.002a
Estimate: 90€2 biddersVF76 €

Live Auction4320045
10 Sols Non émis FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Fresnay 1792 Kc.72.050
Estimate: 30€1 bidderVF+15 €

Live Auction4320046
50 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Paris 1791 Kc.75.064
Estimate: 60€5 biddersF80 €

Live Auction4320047
3 Livres Faux FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Rouen 1792 Kc.76.162
Estimate: 80€no bidXF+50 €

Live Auction4320048
6 Livres FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Rouen 1792 Kc.76.163
Estimate: 90€1 bidderVF+60 €

Live Auction4320049
15 Sols FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Saint-Maixent 1792 Kc.79.063
Estimate: 90€1 bidderG60 €

Live Auction4320050
5 Sols Faux FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Toulon 1792 Kc.83.006
Estimate: 60€1 bidderVF+40 €

Live Auction4320051
3 Livres FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous Chatelleraud 1792 Kc.86.005
Estimate: 300€4 biddersF - VF221 €

Live Auction4320052
20 Livres Planche FRANCE Dunkerque 1795 P.-
Estimate: 300€no bidF - VF150 €

Live Auction4320053
5 Livres - 5 Francs Planche FRANCE Paris 1795 P.-
Estimate: 400€no bidVF200 €

Live Auction4320054
50 Livres FRANCE 1790 Ass.04a
Estimate: 90€1 bidderF50 €

Live Auction4320055
60 Livres FRANCE 1790 Ass.05a
Estimate: 180€1 bidderF90 €

Live Auction4320056
70 Livres FRANCE 1790 Ass.06a
Estimate: 200€1 bidderF-100 €

Live Auction4320057
5 Livres Faux FRANCE 1791 Ass.12x
Estimate: 80€4 biddersVF+115 €

Live Auction4320058
5 Livres Faux FRANCE 1791 Ass.12x
Estimate: 70€1 bidderVF50 €

Live Auction4320059
50 Livres FRANCE 1791 Ass.13a
Estimate: 120€2 biddersVF64 €

Live Auction4320060
50 Livres FRANCE 1791 Ass.13a
Estimate: 90€1 bidderF50 €

Live Auction4320061
100 Livres Faux FRANCE 1791 Ass.15b
Estimate: 120€1 bidderVF70 €

Live Auction4320062
200 Livres Faux FRANCE 1791 Ass.17x
Estimate: 200€1 bidderF100 €

Live Auction4320063
5 Livres Faux FRANCE 1791 Ass.20x
Estimate: 40€no bidF20 €

Live Auction4320064
5 Livres Faux FRANCE 1791 Ass.20x
Estimate: 140€1 bidderUNC-70 €

Live Auction4320065
5 Livres Faux FRANCE 1791 Ass.27x
Estimate: 140€3 biddersVF360 €

Live Auction4320066
50 Livres FRANCE 1792 Ass.28a
Estimate: 120€1 bidderVF60 €

Live Auction4320067
50 Livres FRANCE 1792 Ass.39a
Estimate: 110€no bidXF60 €

Live Auction4320068
10 Sous Planche FRANCE 1793 Ass.40bp
Estimate: 200€no bidXF100 €

Live Auction4320069
15 Sols Fauté FRANCE 1793 Ass.41b-v1c
Estimate: 250€4 biddersF-540 €

Live Auction4320070
15 Sols Planche FRANCE 1793 Ass.41bp
Estimate: 200€1 bidderXF100 €

Live Auction4320071
50 Sols variété Planche FRANCE 1793 Ass.42bp/Ass.42b-v1
Estimate: 250€no bidVF+120 €

Live Auction4320072
10000 Francs FRANCE 1795 Ass.52a
Estimate: 130€2 biddersF90 €