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    E-auction n°624

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20 Krooni ESTONIA  1932 P.64
E-Auction 624-615297
20 Krooni ESTONIA 1932 P.64
Estimate: 506 bidders
UNC-13 €
100 Shilingi TANZANIA  1977 P.08c
E-Auction 624-615298
100 Shilingi TANZANIA 1977 P.08c
Estimate: 352 bidders
UNC2 €
1 Colones Non émis COSTA RICA  1917 PS.121r
E-Auction 624-615299
1 Colones Non émis COSTA RICA 1917 PS.121r
Estimate: 152 bidders
UNC2 €
5 Kronor SWEDEN  1961 P.42f
E-Auction 624-615300
5 Kronor SWEDEN 1961 P.42f
Estimate: 62 bidders
XF-2 €
50 Kronor SWEDEN  1986 P.53d
E-Auction 624-615301
50 Kronor SWEDEN 1986 P.53d
Estimate: 101 bidder
VF1 €
100 Francs MOROCCO  1950 P.45
E-Auction 624-615302
100 Francs MOROCCO 1950 P.45
Estimate: 406 bidders
VF13 €
50 Francs MOROCCO  1949 P.44
E-Auction 624-615303
50 Francs MOROCCO 1949 P.44
Estimate: 207 bidders
VF+15 €
100 Francs MOROCCO  1948 P.45
E-Auction 624-615304
100 Francs MOROCCO 1948 P.45
Estimate: 204 bidders
F7 €
500 Francs MOROCCO  1956 P.46
E-Auction 624-615305
500 Francs MOROCCO 1956 P.46
Estimate: 352 bidders
F-5 €
50 Francs MOROCCO  1947 P.21
E-Auction 624-615306
50 Francs MOROCCO 1947 P.21
Estimate: 101 bidder
G1 €
500 Francs MOROCCO  1956 P.46
E-Auction 624-615307
500 Francs MOROCCO 1956 P.46
Estimate: 152 bidders
G6 €
5 Francs MOROCCO  1941 P.23Ab
E-Auction 624-615308
5 Francs MOROCCO 1941 P.23Ab
Estimate: 204 bidders
VF6 €
100 Francs MOROCCO  1951 P.45
E-Auction 624-615309
100 Francs MOROCCO 1951 P.45
Estimate: 304 bidders
VF6 €
1000 Francs MOROCCO  1956 P.47
E-Auction 624-615310
1000 Francs MOROCCO 1956 P.47
Estimate: 303 bidders
F25 €
5 Francs MOROCCO  1941 P.23Ab
E-Auction 624-615311
5 Francs MOROCCO 1941 P.23Ab
Estimate: 124 bidders
F+9 €
5 Francs MOROCCO  1943 P.33
E-Auction 624-615312
5 Francs MOROCCO 1943 P.33
Estimate: 207 bidders
VF+10 €
5 Francs MOROCCO  1943 P.24
E-Auction 624-615313
5 Francs MOROCCO 1943 P.24
Estimate: 256 bidders
XF7 €
10 Francs MOROCCO  1943 P.25
E-Auction 624-615314
10 Francs MOROCCO 1943 P.25
Estimate: 155 bidders
VF+5 €
10 Francs MOROCCO  1944 P.25
E-Auction 624-615315
10 Francs MOROCCO 1944 P.25
Estimate: 184 bidders
VF+4 €
5 Francs MOROCCO  1924 P.09
E-Auction 624-615316
5 Francs MOROCCO 1924 P.09
Estimate: 153 bidders
G5 €
100 Francs MOROCCO  1941 P.20
E-Auction 624-615317
100 Francs MOROCCO 1941 P.20
Estimate: 152 bidders
G2 €
50 Francs MOROCCO  1938 P.21
E-Auction 624-615318
50 Francs MOROCCO 1938 P.21
Estimate: 121 bidder
VG1 €
50 Francs MOROCCO  1944 P.26
E-Auction 624-615319
50 Francs MOROCCO 1944 P.26
Estimate: 122 bidders
G4 €
5 Francs MOROCCO  1924 P.09
E-Auction 624-615320
5 Francs MOROCCO 1924 P.09
Estimate: 203 bidders
F21 €
50 Francs MOROCCO  1932 P.19
E-Auction 624-615321
50 Francs MOROCCO 1932 P.19
Estimate: 1002 bidders
G21 €
50 Dirhams MOROCCO  1969 P.55d
E-Auction 624-615322
50 Dirhams MOROCCO 1969 P.55d
Estimate: 804 bidders
VG16 €
10000 Francs MOROCCO  1954 P.50
E-Auction 624-615323
10000 Francs MOROCCO 1954 P.50
Estimate: 1402 bidders
G21 €
5 Francs BELGIUM  1938 P.108a
E-Auction 624-615324
5 Francs BELGIUM 1938 P.108a
Estimate: 63 bidders
VF+8 €
100 Kroner NORWAY  1989 P.43d
E-Auction 624-615325
100 Kroner NORWAY 1989 P.43d
Estimate: 62 bidders
F2 €
10 Chervontsa RUSSIA  1937 P.205
E-Auction 624-615326
10 Chervontsa RUSSIA 1937 P.205
Estimate: 72 bidders
F+3 €
10 Pesos URUGUAY  1868 PS.481
E-Auction 624-615327
10 Pesos URUGUAY 1868 PS.481
Estimate: 903 bidders
XF19 €
20 Pesos URUGUAY  1868 PS.482
E-Auction 624-615328
20 Pesos URUGUAY 1868 PS.482
Estimate: 404 bidders
XF26 €
5 Francs ALGERIA  1941 P.077b
E-Auction 624-615329
5 Francs ALGERIA 1941 P.077b
Estimate: 102 bidders
F2 €
1 Mil Reis BRAZIL  1917 P.005a
E-Auction 624-615330
1 Mil Reis BRAZIL 1917 P.005a
Estimate: 304 bidders
F-15 €
100 Mil Reis Non émis BRAZIL  1890 PS.541r
E-Auction 624-615331
100 Mil Reis Non émis BRAZIL 1890 PS.541r
Estimate: 182 bidders
AU+2 €
1 Pound SCOTLAND  1981 P.336a
E-Auction 624-615332
1 Pound SCOTLAND 1981 P.336a
Estimate: 103 bidders
VF+5 €
1 Mil Reis BRAZIL  1944 P.110Ba
E-Auction 624-615333
1 Mil Reis BRAZIL 1944 P.110Ba
Estimate: 301 bidder
UNC-1 €
100 Dollars BELIZE  1994 P.57c
E-Auction 624-615334
100 Dollars BELIZE 1994 P.57c
Estimate: 502 bidders
F+4 €
20 Pesos URUGUAY  1868 PS.480
E-Auction 624-615335
20 Pesos URUGUAY 1868 PS.480
Estimate: 303 bidders
VG11 €
25 Rupees MAURITIUS  1967 P.32b
E-Auction 624-615336
25 Rupees MAURITIUS 1967 P.32b
Estimate: 122 bidders
G2 €
50 Centavos MEXICO  1914 PS.0527a
E-Auction 624-615337
50 Centavos MEXICO 1914 PS.0527a
Estimate: 103 bidders
AU+3 €
5 Gulden NETHERLANDS  1973 P.095a
E-Auction 624-615338
5 Gulden NETHERLANDS 1973 P.095a
Estimate: 51 bidder
F1 €
100 Francs CÉZANNE, type Ravel Échantillon FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous  1992
E-Auction 624-615339
100 Francs CÉZANNE, type Ravel Échantillon FRANCE regionalism and miscellaneous 1992
Estimate: 51 bidder
UNC1 €
1 Dollar UNITED STATES OF AMERICA  1957 P.419a
E-Auction 624-615340
Estimate: 53 bidders
VG4 €
250 Pruta ISRAEL  1953 P.13c
E-Auction 624-615341
250 Pruta ISRAEL 1953 P.13c
Estimate: 302 bidders
F2 €
25 Gulden NETHERLANDS  1955 P.087
E-Auction 624-615342
25 Gulden NETHERLANDS 1955 P.087
Estimate: 51 bidder
F1 €
20 Francs KATANGA  1960 P.06a
E-Auction 624-615343
20 Francs KATANGA 1960 P.06a
Estimate: 404 bidders
G10 €
1 Ringitt MALAYSIA  1981 P.13b
E-Auction 624-615344
1 Ringitt MALAYSIA 1981 P.13b
Estimate: 62 bidders
UNC-2 €
20 Piastres bleu FRENCH INDOCHINA  1943 P.065
E-Auction 624-615345
20 Piastres bleu FRENCH INDOCHINA 1943 P.065
Estimate: 905 bidders
VF+32 €
50 Lire SAN MARINO  2014 P.-
E-Auction 624-615346
50 Lire SAN MARINO 2014 P.-
Estimate: 202 bidders
UNC2 €
100 Marek POLAND  1916 P.006
E-Auction 624-615347
100 Marek POLAND 1916 P.006
Estimate: 403 bidders
VG8 €
E-Auction 624-615348
Estimate: 203 bidders
G13 €
500 Leva BULGARIA  1942 P.060a
E-Auction 624-615349
500 Leva BULGARIA 1942 P.060a
Estimate: 252 bidders
F+4 €
100 Korun SLOVAKIA  1999 P.25c
E-Auction 624-615350
100 Korun SLOVAKIA 1999 P.25c
Estimate: 73 bidders
VF+3 €
1000 Korun SLOVAKIA  1999 P.32
E-Auction 624-615351
1000 Korun SLOVAKIA 1999 P.32
Estimate: 507 bidders
VF+52 €
5 Shillings EAST AFRICA  1953 P.33
E-Auction 624-615352
5 Shillings EAST AFRICA 1953 P.33
Estimate: 503 bidders
F19 €
20 Deutsche Mark GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC  1970 P.32a
E-Auction 624-615353
20 Deutsche Mark GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC 1970 P.32a
Estimate: 123 bidders
F3 €
20 Francs TAHITI  1960 P.21c
E-Auction 624-615354
20 Francs TAHITI 1960 P.21c
Estimate: 202 bidders
F7 €
100 Francs BELGIUM  1959 P.129c
E-Auction 624-615355
100 Francs BELGIUM 1959 P.129c
Estimate: 182 bidders
VF+2 €
20 Francs NEW CALEDONIA  1954 P.50b
E-Auction 624-615356
20 Francs NEW CALEDONIA 1954 P.50b
Estimate: 254 bidders
F+12 €
10 Francs Colbert GUADELOUPE  1946 P.32
E-Auction 624-615357
10 Francs Colbert GUADELOUPE 1946 P.32
Estimate: 153 bidders
VG7 €
500 Francs BELGIUM  1945 P.127a
E-Auction 624-615358
500 Francs BELGIUM 1945 P.127a
Estimate: 505 bidders
F-36 €
10 NF sur 1000 Francs ALGERIA  1958 P.112
E-Auction 624-615359
10 NF sur 1000 Francs ALGERIA 1958 P.112
Estimate: 902 bidders
G12 €
500 Francs ALGERIA  1958 P.117
E-Auction 624-615360
500 Francs ALGERIA 1958 P.117
Estimate: 604 bidders
F19 €
20 Francs TRAVAIL ET SCIENCE FRANCE  1940 F.12.09
E-Auction 624-615361
20 Francs TRAVAIL ET SCIENCE FRANCE 1940 F.12.09
Estimate: 204 bidders
F+14 €
1 Franc TRÉSORERIE AUX ARMÉES 1917 FRANCE  1917 VF.03.12
E-Auction 624-615362
Estimate: 106 bidders
F6 €
20 Escudos PORTUGAL  1960 P.163a
E-Auction 624-615363
20 Escudos PORTUGAL 1960 P.163a
Estimate: 252 bidders
F+4 €
100 Rials IRAN  1971 P.086b
E-Auction 624-615364
100 Rials IRAN 1971 P.086b
Estimate: 202 bidders
UNC2 €
0,1 Riel - 1 Kak CAMBODIA  1975 P.18a
E-Auction 624-615365
0,1 Riel - 1 Kak CAMBODIA 1975 P.18a
Estimate: 63 bidders
AU6 €
5 Pounds SAMOA  2020 P.15CS
E-Auction 624-615366
5 Pounds SAMOA 2020 P.15CS
Estimate: 203 bidders
UNC4 €
500 Francs WEST AFRICAN STATES  1981 P.106Ab
E-Auction 624-615367
500 Francs WEST AFRICAN STATES 1981 P.106Ab
Estimate: 201 bidder
XF+1 €
1000 Francs WEST AFRICAN STATES  1999 P.111Ai
E-Auction 624-615368
1000 Francs WEST AFRICAN STATES 1999 P.111Ai
Estimate: 63 bidders
AU7 €
300 items
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