Obverse legend : ATECTORI.
Obverse description : Tête masculine romanisée à droite les cheveux courts, légende devant le visage.
Reverse legend : ANÉPIGRAPHE.
Reverse description : Bovidé sanglé passant à droite ; au-dessus, cercle perlé ; à l'exergue, un fleuron.
Historical background
(1st century BC)
A large part of the coinage of the Center-West still poses delicate problems of restitution today. To the fine, sometimes very detailed attributions of the two previous centuries (19th and 20th centuries), the historians of Gaul, with a view to globalization, prefer to refer to large geographical groups. Isn't the most important thing today that we are in possession of the archaeological object itself? Nevertheless if, in the future, the attitude of the discoverers of coins, fortuitous discoveries or not, official or not, allied to the benevolence of our sometimes suspicious archaeologists could allow us, thanks to a close collaboration (collaborare, to work together in Latin) and extent of their respective competences, to have a better knowledge of the places of discoveries, we could see gradually disappearing all these attributions "uncertain this, uncertain that" for the greatest pleasure of each and the Knowledge of all.